The 2023 American Psychological Association Annual Convention will be held in Washington DC from August 3rd - August 5th. Societal programming is provided to you below and HERE. You may also access the full societal convention programming HERE.  More information on registration and pricing can be found HERE


Thursday, August 3rd

 Interdisciplinary Overview on the Increasing Clinical and Scientific Relevance of Kratom (11:00am–12:50pm; Room 145B)

  • Christopher R. McCurdy, PhD, University of Florida: Kratom: Variations in Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Formulations
  • Oliver Grundmann, PhD, University of Florida: Kratom Use Patterns and Associated Co-Use of Other Substances
  • Kirsten E. Smith, PhD, National Institute of Drug Abuse IRP: Measuring Kratom Effects using Ecological Momentary Assessment and Lab-Based Study
  • Stephanie T. Weiss, PhD, National Institute of Drug Abuse IRP: A Survey of Kratom Toxicology


Behavioral Pharmacology of Non-THC Cannabis Constituents: Effects of Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes (3:00–4:50pm Room 145A)

  • Tory Spindle, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Comparative Effects of Delta-8-THC and Delta-9-THC: Results From a Human Laboratory Study
  • Austin Zamarripa, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Interactive Effects of THC and Two Cannabis Terpenes (Alpha-Pinene and d-Limonene) in Humans
  • Cecilia Bergeria, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Behavioral Pharmacology of Cannabigerol (CBG): Results from a Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Healthy Adults
  • Stephanie Lake, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles: A Controlled Drug Administration Study Examining the Analgesic and Subjective Effects of the Terpene Caryophyllene Alone and in Combination with D9–THC
  • Dustin Stairs, PhD, Creighton University: Conditioned Place Preference Following Vapor Exposure of Delta-8 THC, CBD, and a Mixture in Male Rats


Friday August 4th

 Outstanding Dissertation Award, Young Psychopharmacologist Award, and New Fellow Symposium (8:00–8:50am; Room 102A)

  • Austin Zamarripa, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Comparison of the Reinforcing and Antinociceptive Effects of G-protein Based Mu-Opioid Receptor Agonists in Sprague- Dawley Rats
  • Tory Spindle, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Using Human Laboratory Studies to Advance Cannabis Regulatory Science
  • Laura Stroud, PhD, Brown University: Substance Use in Pregnancy: Biological Pathways and Intergenerational Transmission


MED Associates Brady/Schuster Award (9:00–9:50am; Room 147B)

  • Adam Leventhal, PhD, University of Southern California: Addiction Science: More Substance than You Might Think


How Does Stress Influence Substance Use Severity and Treatment Outcomes? (10:00–10:50am Room 203)

  • Lynn M. Oswald, PhD, University of Maryland: Links Between Early Life Trauma and Opioid Misuse
  • Martin Hochheimer, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Stress and Cravings among those in Treatment for Opioid, Methamphetamine or Polysubstance Use Disorder
  • Greer McKendrick, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Associations Between Suvorexant and Biological and Self-Reported Stress in a Randomized Trial in Persons with Opioid Use Disorder
  • Justin Strickland, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Reward Deficit and Stress Surfeit Symptoms Experienced During Long-Term Opioid Use Recovery


  Sleep as a Treatment Target for Substance Use Disorders (11:00am–12:50pm; Room 143C)

  • Justin J. Verlinden, MS, University of Kentucky: An Online Insomnia Treatment for Heavy Drinkers: Preliminary Evidence and Future Directions
  • Andrew Huhn, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Orexin-Receptor Antagonist Effects on Sleep and Stress During Opioid Withdrawal
  • Mary Miller, PhD, University of Missouri: Short-term Efficacy of CBT for Insomnia Across the Spectrum of Alcohol Use Disorder
  • Subhajit Chakravorty, MD, University of Pennsylvania: Sub-phenotypes of Insomnia Comorbid with Alcohol Consumption


Societal Poster Session (4:00-4:50pm; Level 2, Halls D and E)


NIDA/NIAAA Early Career Investigator Travel Award Poster Session and Social

(5:00 – 6:50pm, Marriott Marquis; Level 2, Marquis Salon 7 and 8)


Saturday August 5th


 Innovative Interventions for Adults with Opioid Use Disorder (8:00-9:50am; Room 140B)

  • Sydney Bachelder, PhD, University of Vermont: Technology-Assisted Low-Barrier Buprenorphine Treatment for Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder in Rural and Non- Rural Areas
  • Cecilia Bergeria, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: A Pilot Study Evaluating reSET-O, a Digital Therapeutic Application, as an Adjunctive Treatment to Buprenorphine Initiated in Acute Care Settings
  • Kelly Peck, PhD, University of Vermont: Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Adults with Concurrent Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Opioid Use Disorder: Results from Two Randomized Trials


Approaching Significance: How to Navigate the Wild World of Statistics (11:00- 11:50am; Room 102A)

  • Mia Radevski, MS, University of Kentucky
  • Lauren Moran, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Lauren Girouard, MS, University of Louisville
  • Alison Winiarski, MS, Bell State University


Division 28 Presidential Address (1:00-1:50pm; Room 145A)

  • Thomas J. Gould, PhD, Pennsylvania State University: Nicotine Addiction and Smoking: What a Historical and Psychopharmacology Perspective Tells Us About Addiction


 Societal Business Meeting- Open to all Societal Members (2:00–2:50pm; Room 152B)


Novel Brain, Behavior, and Methodological Approaches to Understanding Substance Use Recovery across the Lifespan (3:00-4:50pm; Room 152B)

  • Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, PhD, University of Rhode Island: Time for a Paradigm Shift: The Adolescent Brain in Addiction Treatment
  • Jill A. Rabinowitz, PhD, Johns Hopkins University: Patterns of Demoralization and Anhedonia During Early Substance Use Disorder Recovery and Associations with Treatment Attrition
  • Jonathan L. Wells, MS, Virginia Commonwealth University: Predictors of Treatment Attrition at Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities: A Random Forest Machine Learning Approach
  • Sarah D. Lichenstein, PhD, Yale University: Connectomics of Addiction Recovery: Findings from Cannabis, Cocaine and Opioids